Maintain your safety and independence with

AffOrdable, Quality Chair Lifts fOr YOUR HOme

Schedule A Free Evaluation today!
  • Proven, durable, reliable high-quality chair lifts
  • Best warranty in the chair lift market
  • Expert chair lift installation, repairs & support
  • Peace-of-Mind chair lift buyback program

*In-Home or Remote Evaluation Options Available

Chairlifts can help you keep a SAFE, COMFORTABLE AND INDEPENDENT HOME.

Our selection of easy-to-use, high-quality chairlifts will help you...

  • Access all the rooms in your home
  • Maintain your independence
  • Find a solution that suits your specific needs
  • Spend less time worrying about your home's safety and more time enjoying it


Whether your chair lift needs are simple or complex, indoor or outdoor, our team has a solution for you! Check out a few of our most popular chair lifts below.

We're here to answer your questions - Schedule your free chair lift evaluation today!


  • Does Medicare pay for accessibility products?

    • Unfortunately, no. Medicare does not consider an access product durable medical equipment, thus will not cover the cost of one.

  • Does any other health insurance pay for accessibility products?

    • Unfortunately, no, for the same reasons as Medicare.

  • Does my long-term care insurance policy pay for accessibility products?

    • Possibly. If your policy has a “home modification” clause or something similar, you may be able to get your access product covered. Contact the company that holds your policy and discuss the topic with them to find out for sure.

  • Will a stair lift fit on my stairs?

    • Most likely, yes. The staircases in the vast majority of homes we visit can accommodate a stair lift without any structural modifications to the home. The most critical dimension to consider is the width of the stairwell. If the narrowest point of your stairs has a clear width of at least 32 inches, it will likely accommodate a lift. There are other considerations to make, like obstructions at the top or bottom of the stairs, but our team would need to see and/or measure the stairs to address any of these concerns.

  • How much do accessibility products cost?

    • Pricing varies based on your needs, as everything we do is custom for you and your home or vehicle. We provide preliminary pricing over the phone and then provide a formal estimate upon home or vehicle evaluation.

  • I have a short-term need. Can I rent accessibility products?

    • Yes, some products are available to rent. Call your local branch to learn about which products are available for rent as well as pricing.


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